Icom VE-SP1 P503H Speakerphone
Icom VE-SP1 P503H Speakerphone
Når IP503H dockes i VE-SP1 blir den umiddelbart til en full duplex konferansetelefon
Desktop Conference Speaker
Icom has introduced a new desktop conference speaker microphone for its growing range of LTE/PoC radios. The VE-SP1 desktop speaker microphone is easy to activate… just place the IP501H in the slot and start a voice conference with your team…wherever they are!
Features include:
• Compact and easy to get started. Literally, plug and play.
• Built-in loudspeaker with high sensitivity microphone.
• Charges the IP503H during a voice conference.
• Portable operation with LR6 (AA) (B8 cells).
• Up to two SM-1 external microphones are connectable.
• Ideal for conferencing with your team.
• Suitable for control rooms, CCTV rooms etc.
The VE-SP1 is supplied with OPC-2397 connection cable, BC-242 AC adapter and SM-1 external microphone.